Custom FLVR Cap
$ 66.00
Create your own custom Flavor.
- Choose your cap color
- Tell us the WORD you want
- Specify upper or lowercase letters. Unless otherwise specified, we will print all capital letters, according to the FLVR brand image.
- Choose your TEXT Color
- Choose "eskyflavor / FLVR" logo placement
- Please indicate where you want the logo placement:
- Classic "eskyflavor" script logo beneath word ( right side )
- The abbreviated " FLVR " logo beneath word ( right side )
- The abbreviated " FLVR " logo on right side upper brim
Unless otherwise specified, we will choose and place the logo.
Please allow 14 days for custom cap delivery. Custom layouts are at eskyflavor’s design discretion. We reserve the right to reject words and/or phrases that go against the philosophy & ethics of our brand.
Dear Customer:
Thank you for ordering your very own Custom Esky Cap.
I have been doing Art all my life & a as a result, I try to reflect my sense of proportion & balance into each individual Custom Cap i personally design.
I receive the wording & translate it in2 what I think will look the best, depending on amount of letters/words etc.
Based on the overall look of the final design I decide placement & which one of my 2 brand logo 's I use.
Either the fully written out "eskyflavor" script, or the abbreviated "FLVR" logo.
I furthermore decide on placement of chosen logo, which can vary from front to bill.
Ultimately I make the design decisions , based on my understanding of the medium & feel as the Artist.
Unless client sends me a complete AI ( illustrator File ) with precise instructions , they will receive my interpretation of their design wishes.
my goal is to make everybody happy, but that's not always possible.
luckily i have succeeded 99% so far:)
Unless there is a issue with print quality / color or material defect of the actual cap, we do not offer replacement or returns on Custom orders.
Much Aloha & thank you for your custom Order.